The nervous system plays a key role in the health of children and yet is often overlooked as the cause of health problems. Chiropractors and medical researchers have found that birth trauma is the first cause of nervous system interference. This is because the process of most birthing processes is a physical insult to the baby’s body. Often the first subluxation in a person’s life occurs at birth, and usually being the first bone of your spine known as the atlas. This is the most important bone in your body not only because it is responsible for holding up your head but because it houses and protects your spinal cord and brain stem. When this bone is out of alignment, pressure builds around your brain stem and spinal cord causing nerve interference. When your body’s afferent and efferent communication is not in balance your body begins to fall away from homeostasis and pulls you away from optimal health. When this occurs in an infant during their most important time of development major consequences will follow. Having your child checked for a subluxation at birth or soon after will allow that inborn intelligence inside of them that has been developing them from conception work at 100%.
Get your family checked!!