The Power of DNA
If you were to listen closely to what scientists have been saying the past few years about your genetic code, you would think that you are pretty much doomed from birth to experience several illnesses during your time on the planet. It is as if you are at the mercy of a molecule called DNA and totally powerless to overcome its influence over your life.
DNA is an abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid. But it may surprise you to know that by itself, DNA actually has no power whatsoever to determine what you will experience. In his groundbreaking book The Biology of Belief, Dr. Bruce Lipton tells us that DNA is nothing more than a blueprint. And, just as a blueprint has no power in and of itself to build a house, your DNA has no power on its own to decide what will and what will not show up in your life. According to Dr. Lipton, it is your BELIEFS that determine which potentialities from your DNA blueprint you will end up actually experiencing over the course of your life.
But if you listen to most doctors and scientists, they have misunderstood DNA’s role and they think that you have no say in the matter about what will and what won’t show up. And, they never talk about your positive potentialities, only the negative ones! It seems as though they are using the genetic code to Deny your Natural Abilities! All they ever talk about are the weaknesses you are born with and what diseases you can expect to suffer with. They talk as if we must Develop Necessary Ailments!
But, if Dr. Lipton is correct, the scientists have it all wrong! Again, DNA is only a blueprint and has no power on its own to cause anything – the blueprint must be read! Then and only then will you experience both the good and not so good potentialities contained in that blueprint. And, it is your BELIEFS and CERTAINTIES, along with some environmental factors that decide what will happen. This is great news! It means that as long as you live a healthy lifestyle that supplies your body with everything it needs to function, heal and grow, and as long as you maintain a clear CONNECTION between your body and the Intelligence that runs it, you can experience pretty much whatever you decide!
How can this be? It is simple really. You see, you do not just have an intelligence in your body – you ARE that Intelligence! You have been given your body to use as a vehicle in and through which to express and experience the miracle you are. This vehicle is so amazing that it can deliver you virtually anywhere you want to go over the course of your life! But it does require that you take care to keep it running smoothly by breathing well, getting plenty of water and high energy foods, a balance of movement, rest and exercise, and by keeping your focus upon where you want to go and what you want to see show up in your life. Remember, your THOUGHTS, BELIEFS and CERTAINITES are the determining factors!
Where does chiropractic come in? Quite frankly, it is the most important thing of all! You see, your BELIEFS come from your PERCEPTIONS and INTERPRETATIONS of the world around you. And, all perceptions and interpretations are NEUROLOGICAL! It is essential that you maintain a clear neurological CONNECTION between your brain and all of the 70 – 150 trillion cells that make up your body so that you can perceive and interpret your environment in the way that will most benefit you and everyone around you. The chiropractic adjustment process gradually restores this vital connection that may have been compromised by interference in your nerve system (i.e., the subluxation process) and allows you to RE-CONNECT with YOU!
When your CONNECTION is clear, you can access the Power that You ARE! You see, there is another kind of DNA that really does have power all by itself. In fact, it is the most powerful thing of all; it is your…
Divine Natural Awareness!
By Dr. Kevin Donka