Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Chiro Thots

Why Everyone Needs a Chiropractor By Kevin Donka, D.C.
Yesterday I was at a CVS pharmacy buying some Band-Aids when I overheard the pharmacist tell a group of customers, “Everyone needs some kind of medicine; the key is to make sure you get exactly what you need!” I responded by telling him that the evidence to back up his claim was questionable at best, and that I considered medical science’s certainty that it knows more about how to run our bodies than nature, extremely arrogant. He asked me what education I had that would allow me to make that kind of statement with any authority.

When I told him I am a chiropractor, he reacted with a surprised laugh and said, “Arrogant? You’re calling ME arrogant? There isn’t a group in the world that’s more arrogant than you chiropractors! You ALL believe that everyone needs to see a chiropractor, so how is that different than me saying everyone needs medicine?!” I replied that medicine is based upon the idea that nature gave us bodies that are inherently weak and defective, prone to illness and injury. This means we require some kind of help from the outside (i.e., medicine) to survive. This is known as “Outside-In” thinking.

I continued by explaining that chiropractic is based upon the vitalistic idea that we are born with everything we need to be strong, healthy and happy – that health is our natural state, and if we are experiencing anything other than health, it’s usually because we have lost something we need to maintain our natural and innate state of balance, harmony and ease. This is the opposite of what medical science says, and is known as “Inside-Out” thinking. It isn’t arrogant to accept, embrace and celebrate your innate health potential, and there is nothing arrogant about stating the truth about how our bodies work, and showing people how to fully allow the well being that is theirs by rite of birth. “It’s really easy to understand why we say everyone needs a chiropractor, I continued, “May I explain?” “OH, by all MEANS, please enlighten us doctor!” he replied sarcastically.

“It is important to understand that your body never stays the same; every single day it either gets a little stronger or a little weaker. In other words, two processes are always happening in your body; the process of growing and the process of dying. But one of these two processes is always stronger than the other so that your overall movement each day is either toward growing (getting stronger) or dying (getting weaker). If you want to make sure you are getting stronger each day instead of weaker, you need 3 things; a positive focus, a healthy lifestyle and a clear neurological connection between your brain and your body.” “OK,” he said, “But where does the chiropractic come in?”

I continued, “Because your spine and your nerve system are so intimately connected, you must have an aligned and fully functioning spine in order to maintain a clear brain-body CONNECTION! So you see, that’s why we say everyone needs a chiropractor! Everyone wants to grow stronger and healthier every day, regardless of how healthy they are right now. And chiropractic helps you do that by keeping your spine aligned and functioning, and allowing your brain and body to be fully connected!”

“So why are you here in my pharmacy today?” He asked angrily. “I needed to get a Band-Aid so I can keep my cut clean while my body heals itself from the inside out,” I said with a smile. “DON’T YOU HAVE AN OFFICE SOMEWHERE YOU NEED TO GET TO?!” He fumed as he walked away.

Local Chiropractors doing BIG things

Dr. Barry Gjerdrum – – 206-517-5433 – (Seattle, WA)

Dr. Brian Lieberman – – 706-232-9355 – (Rome, GA)

Dr. Austin Cohen – – 404.355.5499 – (Atlanta, GA)

Dr. Josh Glass – – 404-872-4878 – (Atlanta, GA)

Dr. Jason Penaluna - - 206-547-9944 – (Seattle, WA)

Dr. April Warhola - - 404-917-4992 - (Atlanta, Ga)

Chris Perry -

(Many more great Doctors will be added soon! Contact me if you want help finding a Chiropractor in your area)